Monday, December 13, 2010


Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. We read that in the bible and can except it as truth. This was a very dramatic choice that changed everything. As was spoken recently in my childrens Christmas program, "This changes everything". A young ladies "Yes" was a game changer for the world.

My thought and realization in this is that we are all chosen by God. We may not realize why and it may not seem like anything important but think about it. You can be a game changer for someone. This might seem overwhelming. You may never know who or what the reason is but rest assured your Heavenly Father knows.

My son and I recently went to visit a veterans home to take them some cookies and help them play bingo. When we left my son said this was the best meeting ever because it was nice to think of others first.

So, if we have been personally chosen by God maybe we should spend some time talking to Him about what we are doing. When you look at all of the situations in your life, look at them through the eyes of prayer and see the wonders God is doing.

God bless.