Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mid-life Crisis!

So, like, I have been trying to have a mid-life crisis. It should be pretty simple. You hear about it all the time. But I just can't seem to do it. Try as I may reality always gets in the way. Sports car or braces? Motorcycle or summer camp for kids? Big screen TV or replace old carpet? Fishing trip with the guys or college tuition? I think you see the pattern here. I am truly grateful and happy to be able to take care of my family but darn it, I just want to be irresponsible sometimes. A good priest friend of mine once said that we all want to be irresponsible sometimes and we should praise God that we are able to say no to those feelings. We will all fall on occasion but that is what the grace of God is for.

About once a year, I talk to my lovely wife about my desire to have a "mid-life" crisis. This year she got me. She was talking to her doctor the other day and the result was an invitation to attend a wellness seminar. One, where I would learn to have a "healthy" mid-life crisis. While I don't think that is entirely fair and certainly not what I meant, we will be attending this seminar this Saturday and maybe I will learn how to have this elusive mid-life crisis and at the end I may come out a better person. I will let you know how it goes next week.