This week is cub scout camp. It is a week met with incredible excitement and major apprehension. Excitement from my son and apprehension from me. As excited as he is, I was equally apprehensive. But, I have found the ability to not only meet the challenges of leading 12 7 year old boys but now I am sharing his excitement. Each day is filled with activities that teach science, leadership, teamwork and being physically fit. I am proud to be involved with my son in scouting. It is something that we will be able to remember for the rest of our lives.
I was pondering on this experience and comparing it with other activities like sports. While I think sports are good, they often only involve watching our kids play. Scouting gives me the opportunity to teach and grow with my son, the skills that will carry him well into adulthood. Today, he and I both had to cross the monkey bridge. The monkey bridge is a bridge made of 3 ropes; one on the bottom and 2 on the top. A person must cross the bridge walking on a single rope while holding onto the 2 top ropes.
Tomorrow should be fun. I have become part of our lunch time skit. I will be appearing as Darth Vader in our lunch time skit. I hope the Ewoks do not attack me.