We live in a disposable society. Look at some examples; If our computer or TV messes up a bit, we just get a new one. It is very hard to even find a place to get one repaired. Furniture, clothes, shoes, you name it don't get repaired any more. We would rather just dispose and get a new one. More and more we seem to live in a disposable society. Things that are no longer shiny and new have little value. I am often shocked by the amount of trash I see people putting out every week.
In today's society, I think this has spilled over into attitudes about people and life. We endeavor to reuse and repair as often as possible but it is often easier and less expensive to just replace. Now how does that relate to life issues. Well, let me attempt to tie it all together. Some in this world promote the ideas of Euthanasia and abortion of eliminating people that are not "up to standard" in the name of humanity. But I think it is more like a lack of humanity. My kids when given a choice of cookies or pretty much anything will go to great lengths to make sure they bet the biggest and best.
How many of us in our social circles always look for others that are at least equal if not socially above up. Everyone wants to move up the ladder of prestige. Jesus, however, made it a habit of reaching down to pull others up. How often do we fret over not being invited to an "A" list party? I am not saying these gatherings are inherently bad. As usual it is more about our hearts and motives. We strive to instill in our children, proper christian values. But we still have to deal with our kids saying things like, "I like so and so, they have the next cool toy".
I do feel though that as long as we keep trying to instill these values through our words and actions, they will pay off in the long run.