Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's Summer and it is HOT!

This summer has been hot and quite eventful. 

  1. First grandchild was born, a boy
  2. 3rd daughter graduated from high school
  3. 3rd daughter already away for summer school(scholarship)
  4. Will have 2 in college again in the fall.
  5. Wife decided it was time to leave her job
  6. Decided to start home schooling
  7. Car got broken into
  8. Waiting to see what will come of application to diaconate
  9. started running(I have lost 26 lbs so far and run over 280 km)
As you can see there have been a lot of life changes this summer. Any of them singly are pretty easy to handle. Together they have been a bit overwhelming. Except for the car getting broken into, these are all pretty exciting things. 

Why is it that most things that are exciting are also full of uncertainty and anxiety? Is this what makes them exciting? 

Most of my anxiety comes from the change in our financial situation. Not really sure why this worries me. God, has always taken care of me. Every single time. I am reminded of the wedding feast at Cana. Jesus was asked to help with a little wine. But no, not just a little would he make, but he made a lot of really good wine. God will not be outdone in his generosity.

During these times in my life, when I feel anxious, I need to stop, look back and recall all of the times God has showered his grace upon me. Not just a little sprinkle but a heavenly downpour.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Samaritan and Me

I am quite the skeptic. I know. Hard to believe, right? 

Well, this last Thursday I was out walking in the Target parking lot. A bit earlier than I normally go out but it has been hot. As I am walking, I notice a man walking toward me. Like, literally, toward me. My first thought is, oh great a beggar this early in the morning.

But I had been praying and so I did not run away. I was like, "Really, God, a test this early in the morning?". And, yes, I was right it was someone asking for money. I listened to his story using my full powers of skepticism. The story seemed at lest in the realm of possibility. Now, I generally don't carry cash but this day I had a couple of dollars and I felt the urge(Holy Spirit) move me to let it go and give the money to the man. As I turned to walk away, I got the Holy Spirit tug again. I turned the the man and asked if I could pray with him before he left. We prayed together and off he went.

Suddenly, I realized that it didn't matter whether or not the man's story was true. What really mattered was the condition of my heart. Jesus did not qualify people before he helped them and neither should I. Christ's love is not conditional and mine should not be either.

The gospel reading this past Sunday was that of the Good Samaritan. He did not ask the victim if he had done something to deserve it. He was just moved and had pity on the person. I listened to this reading and smiled as I recalled the events of a couple days earlier. Am I a good Samaritan? Don't know about that I am but I am working on it.