Sunday, February 14, 2010

I wanted Stereo but all I got was Mono!!

Sorry for the terribly bad pun. Mononucleosis is an incredibly nasty disease that has directly affected 4 members of my family. All of the family along with friends and acquaintances have been affected indirectly in having to deal with the affects of this disease. According to Wikipedia, the classical symptoms of mononucleosis are a sore throat, fever, fatigue, weight loss, malaise, pharyngeal inflammation, petechiae and loss of appetite. Here is a link to get the full scoop:

We go back to about the time when school was starting back around mid August. My 17 year old senior was starting volleyball practice along with my then 14 yr old freshman. The 17 year old was saying she was always tired, off and on she would state that her throat hurt. She was also not eating well and losing weight. She was not able to perform at the level she was used to in volleyball and was becoming very frustrated over it because she "knew" she could do better. We tried to get her to sleep more and to eat more but nothing seemed to help.

Parents usually seem to "get it" eventually and this was no exception. I don't like running to the doctor every time someone coughs or sneezes. but this was different now. We took her to the doctor to make sure something wasn't wrong that was causing the weight loss and other things. This is when we got the confirmation of "Mono". Good and bad because while now we have an explanation there is no treatment other than treating the symptoms.

So, about this time I start coming home from work and all I want to do is go to bed. I find myself feeling depressed and don't know why and other issues. After a few weeks I decide to go to the doctor and lo and behold I have mono. My 14 year old is trying to get adjusted to high school and is having some difficulties and you would think I would have cought on by now but, noooooo. After quite some I finally decide to take her to the doctor also to see if anything is wrong. We are now 3 for 3.

Along with all of the other drama in my life my oldest daughter is preparing to move to a foreign country for 4 months. She has a "cold" but we still think nothing of it. My previous post explains this part of the story in more detail so I won't go into it here.

The thing to take away from all of this is the next time you here about someone having "the kissing disease", it is a serious thing that while maybe not life threatening it is something serious. I sincerely hope this will be the end of "Mono" in my house because I don't know if I can handle anyone else getting it.

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