Music has been a large part of society from the earliest of times. Each generation thinks that theirs was real music. I sit here listening to my 80's music. Enjoying the heavy rock rhythms. I forgot how much I enjoy listening to the music of my youth. As I got older, the music of my youth was replaced with Barney singing "I love you, you love me". Not horribly upsetting but yet a reality of life. My second oldest daughter recently came to me and said they were having an 80's themed prom. I got excited!
Music has incredible power to move people in many different ways. Many people today find great hope and consolation in listening to christian music. Others listen to some of the more violent rap music and say they are stirred to violence because the "music made me do it". Songs that speak of promiscuous living; sex, drugs and over indulgence of other kinds often help people justify that type of behavior.
Maybe that is my real point in all of this. Media; from songs to TV to movies have great effect on us and help shape our social norms. For example, TV in the 50's never showed people in bed together. In fact, it always showed married couples as sleeping in separate beds. Now, showing people in bed is nothing. As people in the media continue to push the social boundaries we get used to them and accept them as the "norm". Our challenge is to fight society and the media. If enough people will say no to watching or listening to this "stuff" then it just might move to a return to a simpler and more moral time.
I will definitely not say that the music of the 80's was the epitome of moral goodness(far from it) but it is better than most of the stuff that is out there today.
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