Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Best Day ever!

I know this sounds like a cliche or a line from some cheesy self help book. And maybe it is. However, I have started each day over the last week or so with the thought of this being the best day ever. I have been able to do quite well with my attitude over the last week.

I know for a fact that the stresses of job and family have not gone away. The stress fairy did not suddenly come to me one night like the tooth fairy and take my stress away. And before you start thinking that I am a genius. Let me tell you I got the idea from one of my daughters. I still get razzed a bit about it at work when people ask me how I am doing and I tell them that I am having the best day ever. I think some of them are starting to get it though.

So, my suggestion to everyone out there that may be feeling a bit down or overwhelmed it to give it a try. Hey, even if it doesn't work you can say you tried something different and that should count for something.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm happy that you've adopted Amy's new philosophy. I think I've picked it up a little without even realizing it, trying to find something in every day to look forward to and just knowing that it will be a great day.
