My blog is moving. I finally made the jump to make my blog a little more formal. Please visit my new blog at
The focus is changing. I feel called to take this blog in a different direction. This will now be the place where I will share my thoughts as I journey in my spiritual life. God is amazing! As someone who is trying to be a man of God, I feel called to share my thoughts to hopefully lift up my fellow travelers in this journey.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
I'm Restless
I overheard a conversation yesterday that left me a bit unsettled. It doesn't really matter what the subject or content of the conversation was just that it was unsettling. I am pretty sure we all have these. you hear or read something that just leaves you unsettled. These are usually things that we can do nothing about and yet they rattle us.
At the root of the issue I turn to a quote by St. Augustine
"My Soul is restless, Lord, until it rests in you"I was not turning to God at this time. However, I sat down for evening prayer last night and the second psalm was Psalm 131 which speaks of childlike faith in God. I put it here for you to meditate or muse on.
O Lord, my heart is not proudnor haughty my eyes.I have not gone after things too greatnor marvels beyond me.
Truly I have set my soulin silence and peace.As a child has rest in its mother’s arms,even so is my soul.
Let us all rest in the arms of Jesus today.
O Israel, hope in the Lordboth now and forever.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
It seems that most everyday when I read the psalms the following phrase comes up:
Musing is a wonderful practice. I highly recommend it. Just find some quiet time and just meditate on the wonders of God. I often find it easy to obsess and over things in my life instead of lingering in that peaceful place of musing on the Almighty God. I have found that the practice of musing has reduced the time I used to spend on worrying. A pretty good trade, I think.
On my bed I remember you.On you I muse through the nightfor you have been my help;Last week I was on a street retreat which was an awesome experience. I will talk about that more later. Anyway, on the second night of the retreat I found myself sleeping in a hammock under the stars. As I lay there, I stared up at the stars and and just mused on God's creation and how he told Abraham that he would make his descendants as numerous as the stars. I thought how we are all a part of that promise made to Abraham.
Musing is a wonderful practice. I highly recommend it. Just find some quiet time and just meditate on the wonders of God. I often find it easy to obsess and over things in my life instead of lingering in that peaceful place of musing on the Almighty God. I have found that the practice of musing has reduced the time I used to spend on worrying. A pretty good trade, I think.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Path To Forgiveness
It's Lent and that means it is time for the semi-annual penance service. I almost always go to the communal penance that is offered by my parish. I have to admit, though, that I don't always seem to get a lot out of these times. Oh, I know that we receive grace every time we go to Reconciliation but I know that sometimes I feel more consoled than at other times. I prefer to go during a normal time throughout the year instead.
All of this being said, i went last night and the priest that heard my confession, who stood in persona Christi was a beautiful servant of God. It felt like Jesus himself was walking with me, gently guiding me and bringing me to a place where I was free of my past sins. God always knows what we need. Sometimes, I need a stern father who let's me know in no uncertain terms that I need to get on the right path. At other times, I need a brother, a good friend to walk with me and gently move me back onto the path.
This is what I received last night through the sacrament of Reconciliation, at the hands of a very loving priest who let the love of Jesus work through him.
So, if you haven't experienced Reconciliation in a while, no mater how long it has been or even if you have never been, go now!! Make haste! The grace of the sacrament is waiting for you.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Do You Want To Impress Your Babe Tonight?
This was the subject line on an email in my spam folder this morning. Did I open this email? Heavens, no! However, it did get me to thinking. Yes, I do want to impress my babe tonight, my wife of 26 years. I am going to pray with her tonight.
As men, we need to be the spiritual leaders in our homes. Chances are your wife is just waiting for you to take the reins. So, tonight, really impress her. Sit her down. Hold her hands and pray with her from your heart.
As men, we need to be the spiritual leaders in our homes. Chances are your wife is just waiting for you to take the reins. So, tonight, really impress her. Sit her down. Hold her hands and pray with her from your heart.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Why me?
In this whole process of formation I often wonder why me, especially when I see so many others that seem so perfect for the job. They know more about the church. They go to daily mass, adoration, pray the rosary more than I do. The choices seem so obvious.
I was talking to someone yesterday that posed the question, Why didn't Jesus ask John the Baptist to be one of his apostles? Good question, he seems like a shoe in. but instead he asked simple fishermen.
So, I come back to my situation, why me? I certainly am not worthy or high on the list of prospects, to use baseball terminology. The only thing I can think of that I did different than anyone else, is that I said, "Yes". I said, "yes" and God did the rest.
I believe that God calls us all to something, to a new life. The only necessary on our part is to say, "Yes". I would challenge everyone to take some time this Lent to listen to what God might be asking of you.
I was talking to someone yesterday that posed the question, Why didn't Jesus ask John the Baptist to be one of his apostles? Good question, he seems like a shoe in. but instead he asked simple fishermen.
So, I come back to my situation, why me? I certainly am not worthy or high on the list of prospects, to use baseball terminology. The only thing I can think of that I did different than anyone else, is that I said, "Yes". I said, "yes" and God did the rest.
I believe that God calls us all to something, to a new life. The only necessary on our part is to say, "Yes". I would challenge everyone to take some time this Lent to listen to what God might be asking of you.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
After You...
Well, Lent is here and I am not sure I am ready. The annual battle of the family to figure out what everyone will give up has begun. You see, even with just five of us at home now, we will have vastly different views of what to give up.
One wants to give up meat, another bread, and another deserts/sweets. So, how in the world are we supposed to plan meals? One wants to take more time visiting the sick and shut-ins, another wants to spend more family time and so the conflicts ensue. The litany of things to give up goes on and on.
Feeling this tension in our house last night, I decided it was time to retreat a bit an pray about what to do about this. Especially as I was struggling with how I was going to keep my Lenten goals with all of the conflicts. Then it hit me.
All of these offerings just felt like lip service. What I needed to give up was my need to have things my way. I need to give up my will for Lent. To make others first, to help facilitate their spiritual journey. I need to not hinder their progress in any way.
So, that is my plan, to give up my needs for others, putting them first. Pray for me and my selfishness.
One wants to give up meat, another bread, and another deserts/sweets. So, how in the world are we supposed to plan meals? One wants to take more time visiting the sick and shut-ins, another wants to spend more family time and so the conflicts ensue. The litany of things to give up goes on and on.
Feeling this tension in our house last night, I decided it was time to retreat a bit an pray about what to do about this. Especially as I was struggling with how I was going to keep my Lenten goals with all of the conflicts. Then it hit me.
All of these offerings just felt like lip service. What I needed to give up was my need to have things my way. I need to give up my will for Lent. To make others first, to help facilitate their spiritual journey. I need to not hinder their progress in any way.
So, that is my plan, to give up my needs for others, putting them first. Pray for me and my selfishness.
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