I was given a big piece of humble pie to eat last night. Can't say it was the most tasty thing I had ever had but it was something I needed.
You see, I have been on this great journey with the Lord. One of the things that has happened was a renewed desire to serve the church. More specifically through the diaconate. I had thought about it years ago but did not think the time was right. History certainly shows that to be a true statement. This renewed desire has been a great journey so far. Pretty much everyone has been excited and supportive of me. That is until last night.
A close family member and I were talking last night and they said something to the effect. I guess it is nice all this diaconate stuff and everything and I guess others are happy for you but I just don't see it. I don't see how you are any different now than before. Well, for one thing, six months ago, that would have really hurt my feelings. This time I listened to the comments and turned it around into a time of reflection.
I thought, maybe I just show good but in the privacy of my home I am different. I probably am different at home. Something I will need to work on. I am convinced that home is the absolute hardest place to evangelize. Jesus certainly found this true on his return to Nazareth.
Really kind of interesting that this should happen now. It had been just about 8 hours earlier that we had witnessed a most humble man, Pope Francis, ask the people to pray for him upon accepting his role as supreme pontiff. I can only hope that if I make to ordination that I will never forget the scene of that day and that I will have the strength to live my life in humble service.
I owe a debt of gratitude to that brave family member that called me out and told me what they really thought and I also owe gratitude to our new Pope Francis for being good examples and good counsel.
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