Isaiah 42:1-4 - Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased. Upon whom I have put my Spirit; he shall bring forth justice to the nations, Not crying out, not shouting, not making his voice heard in the street. A bruised reed he shall not break, and a smoldering wick he shall not quench, until he establishes justice on the earth; the coastlands will wait for his teaching.
Thoughts: OK, so I admit it, I am a huge Pope Francis fan. When I read this passage this morning, my first thought was of Francis, our new Pope. His humble actions speak volumes. I saw a photo yesterday of Francis giving a homily. As I looked the photo, he was just radiating joy, it was a smile that drew me in and made we want to be around and to listen. I can imagine Jesus just the same way. Drawing us all in.
The reading from Isaiah this morning predict the coming of Jesus and describe what his coming would be like.
When we think of someone coming to bring justice, we often think of punishment for those doing wrong but not so with new savior. The people of Jesus' time thought the messiah would be a might king, a conqueror, a ruler. What we got was a gentle redeemer, a forgiver, a healer.
We are the bruised reeds of this world, weak and sinful at least cracked if not completely broken. Jesus comes to mend the brokenness in our lives not to destroy or punish. For many Christians even, the light of Christ does not burn brightly but only flickers or smolders. People of this world would say just put it out, it does not give much light anyway. But, Jesus will fan and nurture that flame until it burns brightly once again. No flame is too small for God to revive.
As we move through Holy Week, let us help mend the bruised reeds all around us and be the instrument to Jesus can use to fan the flame in each other.
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