Thursday, April 25, 2013

Where Did You Go?

I haven't written in a while. I think it was probably because I have been caught up in the busy-ness of life. Along with that comes worry and anxiety. I was talking with 2 different people yesterday that both told me how much more calm and peaceful I have been. Now, I am thinking to myself, "Ya right!" 

Through the grace of God, I had been set free from all of my worry and anxiety. It was a great comfort to feel the closeness and presence of God. It gave me a secure, comfortable feeling like I have never known. I am like a 2 year old. I feel safe and secure as long as I am close to my parent. But as soon as I get out of sight of my mom or dad, I panic. Now, my mom or dad can still see me but I suddenly don't feel the presence any more and I panic.

It is the same with God. When I move away from the presence of God in my life, I start to feel scared and anxious. Good news! I realized this was happening a couple of days ago and I started taking steps to move back closer to God. I dedicated more time to prayer, scripture and putting myself in the presence of God.

What do I mean, "in the presence of God"? Well, if I am going to be in the presence of God, I should think of Him often and seek His counsel. My every thought and action of every day should include my risen Lord.

What do you do when you are anxious or worried?

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