Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shame On Me

Let's face it, we all have things we are ashamed of. Hitting that girl on the playground that wouldn't play with you, stealing your brothers favorite pants, having too much to drink at a party. We all have these things in our past. Things we would just as soon forget. I have my share of them that is for sure. I won't go into them here because then this would be a novel instead of a blog. 

Sometimes, I really hate running into old friends from high school or college. You know those well meaning friends that only want to talk about those very moments that you are ashamed of in your life. Like, "Hey do you remember the time that you...". Of course, I stand there with a panicked look especially if my wife or kids are with me. Not cool, dude!!

But these times are a reality of my past. They are a part of who I am. I am a broken, sinful, forgiven, and redeemed child of God. I now have to live differently. I do struggle though when these stories are recalled and we have to deal with the feelings of shame all over again. It is in times like these, that I must turn again to the foot of the cross, to the Jesus who was broken and hung on a cross for me. It is only through the suffering and humiliation that Jesus endured that I have been redeemed.

I thank God for my shame moments. These have developed in me a great sense of empathy for others. In Romans 6:9-13 today it asks the question What did you gain from the things you are now ashamed of. Well for me, these things did not gain anything for me at the time they happened but they are now being used to bear fruit in the kingdom of God. At least, that is what I pray for.

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