Friday, October 4, 2013

Update On My Journey

For those of you that don't know, I submitted my application to the diaconate a few months ago. I get asked often how it is going. Well, The interview process has started. So, we will wait and see what is God's will for all of this. 

Interestingly, this discernment process has been quite a journey. At one point, I was told that the interviews had already happened (this later turned out to be untrue). But what this did for me, was give me a chance to pray and to detach my ownership of the process. I had started to get the feeling that it was mine to have. Especially with so many encouraging friends telling me how great they thought I would be as a deacon. 

Through prayer, I was able to come the realization that this call was God's and God's alone. I am now at peace with the whole thing wanting only God's will to be done. I will be satisfied no matter the answer. If this door closes, another will open. The one that was meant for me. 

So, in closing, I will ask for the prayers of all of you. That the Holy Spirit will guide all of the people involved in the discernment process, including myself.

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