Being wanted is a pretty base desire in all of us. We all feel the need to be wanted.
My children, for example, will come to me and say, "I am hungry". I will say, "OK". And then, they just kind of stare at me. Why can't they come up and say, "Dad, may I have something to eat?" They might be truly hungry but maybe they are just not feeling loved. What they want is for me to anticipate their needs and offer them food. That in their mind is the proof that I love them. Mind you, it is not just my kids that do this.
We all do this from time to time. When someone else does not anticipate our needs, we may get angry that the other person does not notice. We may try to then guilt someone into wanting to help us. This kind of over-powers us to the point that we are unable to see that need in others.
God anticipates our needs, he really knows what we truly need. Even with God, though, we usually have to ask. We have to humble ourselves to admit that we need help. When I come humbly to God or our fellow man and ask for help, I generally get help. Quite amazing, right? Maybe with our fellow man but not with God.
I pray that this Easter we will see the hurt and need in others and offer our help. I also pray that we will have the courage to humble ourselves and ask Jesus to give us what we truly need.
The focus is changing. I feel called to take this blog in a different direction. This will now be the place where I will share my thoughts as I journey in my spiritual life. God is amazing! As someone who is trying to be a man of God, I feel called to share my thoughts to hopefully lift up my fellow travelers in this journey.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
The Spirit is Moving
God is moving in the lives of me an my family. We feel called to a simpler life. My wife will not be going back to her job as a teacher the next school year. I am waiting to hear about my acceptance into the diaconate. Work is crazy busy. We are feeling a call to homeschooling for our 2 youngest. We have another daughter graduating from high school and getting ready to head off to college. And the list goes on...
In the interest of keeping this post short, I will stop with just the short list. I expect most of us have a similar list.
I am very task oriented. I want to check things off of my list. But God calls me to do but one thing. Sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary. I used to think my wife was the Martha and I was the Mary but I think we are both Marthas.
Luke 10:38-42
Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
In the interest of keeping this post short, I will stop with just the short list. I expect most of us have a similar list.
I am very task oriented. I want to check things off of my list. But God calls me to do but one thing. Sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary. I used to think my wife was the Martha and I was the Mary but I think we are both Marthas.
Luke 10:38-42
Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Get Over Yourself
Normally, we would consider abandonment a bad thing. We often hear of the young, the old or the sick being abandoned. Even Jesus felt abandoned as he faced crucifixion. Sometimes, we feel abandoned by our friends, co-workers or family members. I have had times where I felt I had no one to turn to, that no one cared about me.
I have also had many times when we felt that many people went out of there way to help me and be there for me. Just last week when I was feeling kind of low and attacked by the devil, some friends noticed and immediately wanted to pray over me. Usually, it is not that people don't care, it is just that most of them are so busy carrying their own crosses that they are unable to realize what is going on around them.
My challenge for myself is to be extra sensitive to noticing the crosses of others and to be ready to be their Simon. Chances are my cross will shrink away in nearly nothing when I do this. I have found the prayer below to be a great way to help me to focus on the others and the mission of Jesus Christ.
I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to you
with all the love of my heart,
for I love you, Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands,
without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for you are my Father.
Charles de Foucald
Prayer of Abandonment
I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul;
I offer it to you
with all the love of my heart,
for I love you, Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands,
without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for you are my Father.
Charles de Foucald
Monday, March 25, 2013
A Bruised Reed
Isaiah 42:1-4 - Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased. Upon whom I have put my Spirit; he shall bring forth justice to the nations, Not crying out, not shouting, not making his voice heard in the street. A bruised reed he shall not break, and a smoldering wick he shall not quench, until he establishes justice on the earth; the coastlands will wait for his teaching.
Thoughts: OK, so I admit it, I am a huge Pope Francis fan. When I read this passage this morning, my first thought was of Francis, our new Pope. His humble actions speak volumes. I saw a photo yesterday of Francis giving a homily. As I looked the photo, he was just radiating joy, it was a smile that drew me in and made we want to be around and to listen. I can imagine Jesus just the same way. Drawing us all in.
The reading from Isaiah this morning predict the coming of Jesus and describe what his coming would be like.
When we think of someone coming to bring justice, we often think of punishment for those doing wrong but not so with new savior. The people of Jesus' time thought the messiah would be a might king, a conqueror, a ruler. What we got was a gentle redeemer, a forgiver, a healer.
We are the bruised reeds of this world, weak and sinful at least cracked if not completely broken. Jesus comes to mend the brokenness in our lives not to destroy or punish. For many Christians even, the light of Christ does not burn brightly but only flickers or smolders. People of this world would say just put it out, it does not give much light anyway. But, Jesus will fan and nurture that flame until it burns brightly once again. No flame is too small for God to revive.
As we move through Holy Week, let us help mend the bruised reeds all around us and be the instrument to Jesus can use to fan the flame in each other.
Thoughts: OK, so I admit it, I am a huge Pope Francis fan. When I read this passage this morning, my first thought was of Francis, our new Pope. His humble actions speak volumes. I saw a photo yesterday of Francis giving a homily. As I looked the photo, he was just radiating joy, it was a smile that drew me in and made we want to be around and to listen. I can imagine Jesus just the same way. Drawing us all in.
The reading from Isaiah this morning predict the coming of Jesus and describe what his coming would be like.
When we think of someone coming to bring justice, we often think of punishment for those doing wrong but not so with new savior. The people of Jesus' time thought the messiah would be a might king, a conqueror, a ruler. What we got was a gentle redeemer, a forgiver, a healer.
We are the bruised reeds of this world, weak and sinful at least cracked if not completely broken. Jesus comes to mend the brokenness in our lives not to destroy or punish. For many Christians even, the light of Christ does not burn brightly but only flickers or smolders. People of this world would say just put it out, it does not give much light anyway. But, Jesus will fan and nurture that flame until it burns brightly once again. No flame is too small for God to revive.
As we move through Holy Week, let us help mend the bruised reeds all around us and be the instrument to Jesus can use to fan the flame in each other.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Are We Trying To Kill God?
John 8:37 - I know that you are descendants of Abraham. But you are trying to kill me, because my work has no room among you.
Thoughts: As my wife and I read the gospel this morning, this verse stuck out for me. So, I asked my wife, how often do we try to kill God in our everyday life? We both just sat there in meditation.
The Jews were trying to physically kill Jesus because they found his words hard to accept. They thought he was being unreasonable. He was raising the standard and they didn't like it. Who, of us, likes to be told we are not measuring up?
While we don't have Jesus physically with us today, we do have the promised Holy Spirit here with us. How often do we try to kill the Spirit of God?
Let's make this final part of Lent a move closer to the sacred heart of Jesus. As part of our Lenten examination of conscience, if you can think of other ways we try to kill God, please comment here so all can benefit.
Thoughts: As my wife and I read the gospel this morning, this verse stuck out for me. So, I asked my wife, how often do we try to kill God in our everyday life? We both just sat there in meditation.
The Jews were trying to physically kill Jesus because they found his words hard to accept. They thought he was being unreasonable. He was raising the standard and they didn't like it. Who, of us, likes to be told we are not measuring up?
While we don't have Jesus physically with us today, we do have the promised Holy Spirit here with us. How often do we try to kill the Spirit of God?
- Do we fail to help someone in need?
- Do we attack others with our words?
- Are we jealous of others?
- Do we fill our minds(and souls) with stuff and push God out?
- Do we have other God's in our life(money, power, work).
Let's make this final part of Lent a move closer to the sacred heart of Jesus. As part of our Lenten examination of conscience, if you can think of other ways we try to kill God, please comment here so all can benefit.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
The Yoke Of Slavery
Galatians 5:1-6 - For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.
It is I, Paul, who am telling you that if you have yourselves circumcised, Christ will be of no benefit to you. Once again I declare to every man who has himself circumcised that he is bound to observe the entire law. You are separated from Christ, you who are trying to be satisfied by law; you have fallen from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we await the hop of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision not uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
It is I, Paul, who am telling you that if you have yourselves circumcised, Christ will be of no benefit to you. Once again I declare to every man who has himself circumcised that he is bound to observe the entire law. You are separated from Christ, you who are trying to be satisfied by law; you have fallen from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we await the hop of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision not uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
Thoughts: Babies often cry when they are in a large open area. After spending 9 months in the comfortable confines of the womb, they feel scared and alone when in an open area. In other words they have too much freedom.
One way that we used to comfort our young children, and even our older children at times, was to hold them close. When babies can feel warmth and closeness from a parent, they sense the presence of them and feel comforted. We would wrap up our children in blankets and put them in a tiny bassinet at first then move up to a crib and finally to a bed. If we put them into a bed too early they felt insecure and would cry. It is the boundaries and closeness that gives them the freedom to feel comfortable and secure.
Those boundaries move outward as they grow older but they are still there and are still viable. When we stay in close communion with God, we will feel His love and then we will feel the freedom of knowing that we walk with God.
Paul was writing to the Galatians because they were being led away from God when they were told they had to obey the mosaic law. They were allowing the customs become more important than the message of Jesus.
How often do we do the same?
We let the things of this world become more important than our faith. It can be television or drinking. It can even be something that seems good; a church committee or organization, daily devotions like mass or the rosary. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the act of doing these things and not resting in the love of Christ which should drive all of our desires.
So, let’s walk within the boundaries of God’s love and let that love be the driving force behind our actions as faithful disciples of Christ.
Monday, March 18, 2013
And a Little Child Will Lead Them
Out of the mouths of babes.....
I went camping with my two youngest children(ages 7 and 9) this weekend. I learned a number of lessons from them on this trip.
Barely had gotten there and had the tent set up when I find my daughter(7) busy with the first aid kit. She was fixing a 'boo-boo' on a little friend of hers. I didn't think the little scrape was all that serious but the way they were going at it you would have thought she was about to lose a leg. Lesson for me; no matter how small the hurt may seem, healing is important. We need to allow others to bring healing to us, especially God.
An hour later I found a large number of children around my tent and my children giving away all of our food and drinks. My first thought, don't give away all of our food. What are we going to eat? But my children in their generous, innocent little hearts gave away our supplies without any thought of self preservation. We were very well taken care of and had plenty. Lesson for me; give generously without concern for your own welfare because God will always take care of us.
The first night of camp was very cold and we did not pack very well. We all laid in our tent with our meager supplies and tried to keep warm. I finally told my children to come close to me and we would share our blankets. Together, we stayed warm and provided warmth for each other. Lesson for me; None of us can do it alone. If we work together and pool our resources we can accomplish much.
I went camping with my two youngest children(ages 7 and 9) this weekend. I learned a number of lessons from them on this trip.
Barely had gotten there and had the tent set up when I find my daughter(7) busy with the first aid kit. She was fixing a 'boo-boo' on a little friend of hers. I didn't think the little scrape was all that serious but the way they were going at it you would have thought she was about to lose a leg. Lesson for me; no matter how small the hurt may seem, healing is important. We need to allow others to bring healing to us, especially God.
An hour later I found a large number of children around my tent and my children giving away all of our food and drinks. My first thought, don't give away all of our food. What are we going to eat? But my children in their generous, innocent little hearts gave away our supplies without any thought of self preservation. We were very well taken care of and had plenty. Lesson for me; give generously without concern for your own welfare because God will always take care of us.
The first night of camp was very cold and we did not pack very well. We all laid in our tent with our meager supplies and tried to keep warm. I finally told my children to come close to me and we would share our blankets. Together, we stayed warm and provided warmth for each other. Lesson for me; None of us can do it alone. If we work together and pool our resources we can accomplish much.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Humble Pie
I was given a big piece of humble pie to eat last night. Can't say it was the most tasty thing I had ever had but it was something I needed.
You see, I have been on this great journey with the Lord. One of the things that has happened was a renewed desire to serve the church. More specifically through the diaconate. I had thought about it years ago but did not think the time was right. History certainly shows that to be a true statement. This renewed desire has been a great journey so far. Pretty much everyone has been excited and supportive of me. That is until last night.
A close family member and I were talking last night and they said something to the effect. I guess it is nice all this diaconate stuff and everything and I guess others are happy for you but I just don't see it. I don't see how you are any different now than before. Well, for one thing, six months ago, that would have really hurt my feelings. This time I listened to the comments and turned it around into a time of reflection.
I thought, maybe I just show good but in the privacy of my home I am different. I probably am different at home. Something I will need to work on. I am convinced that home is the absolute hardest place to evangelize. Jesus certainly found this true on his return to Nazareth.
Really kind of interesting that this should happen now. It had been just about 8 hours earlier that we had witnessed a most humble man, Pope Francis, ask the people to pray for him upon accepting his role as supreme pontiff. I can only hope that if I make to ordination that I will never forget the scene of that day and that I will have the strength to live my life in humble service.
I owe a debt of gratitude to that brave family member that called me out and told me what they really thought and I also owe gratitude to our new Pope Francis for being good examples and good counsel.
You see, I have been on this great journey with the Lord. One of the things that has happened was a renewed desire to serve the church. More specifically through the diaconate. I had thought about it years ago but did not think the time was right. History certainly shows that to be a true statement. This renewed desire has been a great journey so far. Pretty much everyone has been excited and supportive of me. That is until last night.
A close family member and I were talking last night and they said something to the effect. I guess it is nice all this diaconate stuff and everything and I guess others are happy for you but I just don't see it. I don't see how you are any different now than before. Well, for one thing, six months ago, that would have really hurt my feelings. This time I listened to the comments and turned it around into a time of reflection.
I thought, maybe I just show good but in the privacy of my home I am different. I probably am different at home. Something I will need to work on. I am convinced that home is the absolute hardest place to evangelize. Jesus certainly found this true on his return to Nazareth.
Really kind of interesting that this should happen now. It had been just about 8 hours earlier that we had witnessed a most humble man, Pope Francis, ask the people to pray for him upon accepting his role as supreme pontiff. I can only hope that if I make to ordination that I will never forget the scene of that day and that I will have the strength to live my life in humble service.
I owe a debt of gratitude to that brave family member that called me out and told me what they really thought and I also owe gratitude to our new Pope Francis for being good examples and good counsel.
Monday, March 11, 2013
God Has A Plan For Me
From Morning Prayer(Liturgy of the Hours) - Eternal Father, you give us life despite our guilt and even add days and years to our lives in order to bring us wisdom. Make us love and obey you, so that the works of our hands may always display what your hands have done, until the day we gaze upon the beauty of your face.
Thoughts: Reading this prayer this morning caused me to think back on my life and all of it's tumultuous events. I recall a young man, 17 years old, who had a lot of knowledge and some pretty good common sense but greatly lacked in wisdom. I would imagine that many of us can relate to that. Kind of like the prodigal son from this Sunday's readings. I imagine he thought himself pretty smart also.
A life changing moment! It was April 25, 1982, My Dad, brother and myself had gone out for a Sunday drive. We did not know it but our lives would be changed that day. During this scenic drive through the central Texas countryside, I was attempting to make a left hand turn off the highway to go down to the lake. I did not see the 2 semis coming up behind me, one of them attempting to pass the other. The driver of the truck that was in the wrong lane could not stop in time when I started making my turn and he totally t-boned my truck.
I would have been dead if I had been wearing my seat belt as the impact had completely crushed the drivers compartment of the truck. I did, however, suffer a brain stem contusion leaving me unconscious for 11 days. After about a month in the hospital, I was released to continue my recovery at home. Based on the life I was living at that time, I certainly did not deserve to live and should by all rights have been dead but God had a plan for me. He had chosen to add years to my life. I am sure he added years to my life because he knew it would take years to actually add wisdom to my stubborn nature.
If we think back upon our lives, most of us will realize some point in our lives when God was watching out for us. We will see the hand of the Holy and Mighty One in a lucky break or a miraculous event. God, through the healing power of Jesus Christ, has set us all aside to know and love and serve him. I know now that my being saved was not an accident.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.
Have a great day and know that the Lord truly has great plans for you. Pray that you may see clearly what those plans are and follow him unreservedly and without fear.
Thoughts: Reading this prayer this morning caused me to think back on my life and all of it's tumultuous events. I recall a young man, 17 years old, who had a lot of knowledge and some pretty good common sense but greatly lacked in wisdom. I would imagine that many of us can relate to that. Kind of like the prodigal son from this Sunday's readings. I imagine he thought himself pretty smart also.
A life changing moment! It was April 25, 1982, My Dad, brother and myself had gone out for a Sunday drive. We did not know it but our lives would be changed that day. During this scenic drive through the central Texas countryside, I was attempting to make a left hand turn off the highway to go down to the lake. I did not see the 2 semis coming up behind me, one of them attempting to pass the other. The driver of the truck that was in the wrong lane could not stop in time when I started making my turn and he totally t-boned my truck.
I would have been dead if I had been wearing my seat belt as the impact had completely crushed the drivers compartment of the truck. I did, however, suffer a brain stem contusion leaving me unconscious for 11 days. After about a month in the hospital, I was released to continue my recovery at home. Based on the life I was living at that time, I certainly did not deserve to live and should by all rights have been dead but God had a plan for me. He had chosen to add years to my life. I am sure he added years to my life because he knew it would take years to actually add wisdom to my stubborn nature.
If we think back upon our lives, most of us will realize some point in our lives when God was watching out for us. We will see the hand of the Holy and Mighty One in a lucky break or a miraculous event. God, through the healing power of Jesus Christ, has set us all aside to know and love and serve him. I know now that my being saved was not an accident.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.
Have a great day and know that the Lord truly has great plans for you. Pray that you may see clearly what those plans are and follow him unreservedly and without fear.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Satan visits
It has been a couple of weeks now and I have just, yesterday, figured out what is going on. Satan is good. I hate to give too much credit but looking back, wow!
A couple, three weeks ago it started very covertly. It started with compliments. You are so smart. Look at the way you can do math. You have such a great concept of reality. I mean, if someone was telling you all of this, wouldn't you feel pretty good about yourself. Who doesn't like compliments. I know I do. But this is the way the evil one starts to lure you in. Not much different than in the garden of Eden.
Satan came to visit Eve and I am sure he made her feel pretty good about yourself, then he started manipulating her. So, after I was feeling pretty built up by all of the compliments, he started to tell me, you know you are so smart with your math and making a budget. But, you also surely see that it doesn't work, there is not enough money. And of course, the timing couldn't be worse as we just started a huge capital campaign at the church. Now, this really starts the inner struggle because you want to do good but just can't see any way to do it based on the numbers. God, however, calls us to faith and not math.
So, now Satan has found an inroad with me. He has rekindled fear, something I had not felt for some time. Now, we pile on life with 4 kids at home and all of the business that entails plus trying to do good and serve God in his Church. I was rushing from one event to the next when Satan tried to set the hook(fishing reference).
I heard this question asked of me clear as day.
"Why don't you just give all of this up? All of this church stuff, the diaconate, all of it; just give it all up. It is too hard. just go back to being your sinful, lethargic self that will be much easier."
I almost bought into it. But I thought and prayed. God, where is this coming from? This is nuts. This doesn't make any sense at all. There was so many positive things going on in my life, why would this be happening to me? But that is exactly why it was happening to me. I was moving closer to Jesus Christ and Satan does not like that. I asked a couple of good friends for prayer and of course they prayed with me right after daily mass. And through this prayer it all came into perspective.
I am entirely flattered, now, that Satan considers me a threat. It is actually quite comical now that I see it for what it truly is. It is kind of like the day I was playing basketball and they started guarding me. I was suddenly considered good enough to merit guarding. What a great day when you can make Satan play defense.
A couple, three weeks ago it started very covertly. It started with compliments. You are so smart. Look at the way you can do math. You have such a great concept of reality. I mean, if someone was telling you all of this, wouldn't you feel pretty good about yourself. Who doesn't like compliments. I know I do. But this is the way the evil one starts to lure you in. Not much different than in the garden of Eden.
Satan came to visit Eve and I am sure he made her feel pretty good about yourself, then he started manipulating her. So, after I was feeling pretty built up by all of the compliments, he started to tell me, you know you are so smart with your math and making a budget. But, you also surely see that it doesn't work, there is not enough money. And of course, the timing couldn't be worse as we just started a huge capital campaign at the church. Now, this really starts the inner struggle because you want to do good but just can't see any way to do it based on the numbers. God, however, calls us to faith and not math.
So, now Satan has found an inroad with me. He has rekindled fear, something I had not felt for some time. Now, we pile on life with 4 kids at home and all of the business that entails plus trying to do good and serve God in his Church. I was rushing from one event to the next when Satan tried to set the hook(fishing reference).
I heard this question asked of me clear as day.
"Why don't you just give all of this up? All of this church stuff, the diaconate, all of it; just give it all up. It is too hard. just go back to being your sinful, lethargic self that will be much easier."
I almost bought into it. But I thought and prayed. God, where is this coming from? This is nuts. This doesn't make any sense at all. There was so many positive things going on in my life, why would this be happening to me? But that is exactly why it was happening to me. I was moving closer to Jesus Christ and Satan does not like that. I asked a couple of good friends for prayer and of course they prayed with me right after daily mass. And through this prayer it all came into perspective.
I am entirely flattered, now, that Satan considers me a threat. It is actually quite comical now that I see it for what it truly is. It is kind of like the day I was playing basketball and they started guarding me. I was suddenly considered good enough to merit guarding. What a great day when you can make Satan play defense.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
From Psalm 126 - When the lord delivered Zion from bondage, it seemed like a dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, on our lips there were songs. The heathens themselves said" "What marvels the lord worked for them!" What marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we are glad. Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage as streams in dry land. Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
Thoughts: Just as the Lord delivered Zion from bondage, he continues today to deliver His people from bondage. The problem for most people is that they don't even know they are in bondage.
If you look around you will see it. In the conversations overheard at work as people talk about there worries. As they talk about their pastimes that are more like obsessions. When we look at just how much time is spent medicating ourselves with alcohol, television, and other pastimes that keep us from a relationship with the one true God.
Maybe I can see this in others because I, myself, spent years in bondage. The type of bondage we face today is so deceptive that we don't even realize it is happening. But, like the people of Zion, we can be delivered from our bondage once we realize what is holding us bondage.
When I was finally freed, it literally like a dream. I laughed, oh boy did I laugh. I cried huge cleansing tears that became for me a great source of joy. People around me have noticed and asked why and how I had changed. They saw a person free and loving life. True life lived in the love of the one true God.
My prayer for everyone today is that they can recognize whatever might be in them that is holding them in bondage. That they might have the courage to make the first step in moving away from whatever keeps them in bondage so that the Lord will have room in their heart to work miracles. That Jesus Christ will be able to send his Holy Spirit to wash away all remnants of the bondage and free us to live a new life in Christ.
Thoughts: Just as the Lord delivered Zion from bondage, he continues today to deliver His people from bondage. The problem for most people is that they don't even know they are in bondage.
If you look around you will see it. In the conversations overheard at work as people talk about there worries. As they talk about their pastimes that are more like obsessions. When we look at just how much time is spent medicating ourselves with alcohol, television, and other pastimes that keep us from a relationship with the one true God.
Maybe I can see this in others because I, myself, spent years in bondage. The type of bondage we face today is so deceptive that we don't even realize it is happening. But, like the people of Zion, we can be delivered from our bondage once we realize what is holding us bondage.
When I was finally freed, it literally like a dream. I laughed, oh boy did I laugh. I cried huge cleansing tears that became for me a great source of joy. People around me have noticed and asked why and how I had changed. They saw a person free and loving life. True life lived in the love of the one true God.
My prayer for everyone today is that they can recognize whatever might be in them that is holding them in bondage. That they might have the courage to make the first step in moving away from whatever keeps them in bondage so that the Lord will have room in their heart to work miracles. That Jesus Christ will be able to send his Holy Spirit to wash away all remnants of the bondage and free us to live a new life in Christ.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
No Payment Necessary
Luke 14:12-14 - On a Sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees. He said to the host who invited him, “When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or sisters or you relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment. Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Thoughts: People have not really changed much in the last 2,000 years. We often tend to be social climbers. I have often caught myself looking to invite someone over and it is most often that my mind turns to those I see as successful or admirable. How often do we play the part of the Pharisee? Probably, far too often.
Thoughts: People have not really changed much in the last 2,000 years. We often tend to be social climbers. I have often caught myself looking to invite someone over and it is most often that my mind turns to those I see as successful or admirable. How often do we play the part of the Pharisee? Probably, far too often.
Jesus has been nudging me for years on this one, though. I am convicted of the fact that we need to reach out to those who may seem ‘below’ us socially or economically. They are no less important because we are all created in the image of God, but we living in this world inadvertently put people into groups or classes. We need to reach out to those who are hurting. Someone who is not ill does not need a doctor. Jesus consistently reached out to those who were shunned and looked down upon by the world. He had a special affection those in this world who are oppressed.
Suddenly, I see pain, suffering, and despair in many people I come in contact with. These are the people that I am to reach out to. These are people that we are to reach out to. I try to be in tune with the Holy Spirit now when I meet people. We are meant to be social creatures. We need to be active and interactive with those around us.
On Monday night we were talking about agape love. Love that does not seek repayment. The kind of love we can only have as a gift from God. It is only through Him that we can put aside our selfish selves and truly love as Christ loved. How can we do this though? It is so foreign to us. Try practicing the presence of God. Let Jesus be a part of every minute of your life.
This is my challenge this lent. To be generous as our Lord is generous.
Be On Gaurd
1 Peter 4:7-8 - The end of all things is at hand. Therefore,
be serious and sober for prayers. Above all, let your love for one another be
intense, because love covers a multitude of sins.
Thoughts: This was a realization that I had a few weeks ago. I realized that God did not necessarily want me to quit drinking, but He did want me to practice self control in it. But a resolve must also contain a motivation. The motivation is this; we are called to be always ready to share the gospel with others for the end is truly near. Of course, near as in God’s reality.
If I am always going to be ready to share the gospel what must I do? I must remain sober. This means only one drink and then only infrequently. I took some pain medicine the other day and it made me loopy. Because of this I was unable to pray with my wife. Needless to say, I will no longer take that medicine.
I have to constantly keep myself in the Word so that I will have the words in my mind and on my lips when then time presents itself. We were at praise and worship the other night and my 9 year old son wanted to share a bible verse. He sat there frantically searching for a verse to share. That showed me what I was like before my conversion and still am at times. I had not properly armed myself to be a soldier for Christ and did not have the armor necessary to battle the devil and his evil ways.
So, now I am in the word every day and I pray often including the rosary, which is a new found devotion for me. I truly feel ready for the battle and can boldly go out to proclaim the message of Christ's love.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Forgive? Really?
Joel 2:12-13 - Return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God. For gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment.
Thoughts: My post from yesterday spoke of my struggles with temptations. It even led to a fall to sin. It didn't seem like a big thing but yet it was a fall. It saddened me because I know it saddened God. The grace of God is fabulous though. As it says in the reading, "For gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment. Very unlike us.
Most of walk around all the time with a chip on our shoulder. With a hair trigger on our tempers. We get angry or jealous at the slightest perceived infraction against us. Sometimes even when it is not against us. Are we forgiving? In today's Gospel from Matthew 18, Jesus tells his apostles that they must forgive not just 7 times, which was unthinkable back then but 70 times 7. Basically, forever and always.
Jesus really wants us to just give our hearts to him. We can do that through our self denial. Through our fasting, weeping and mourning. He is just waiting to welcome us back but we have to take the first step and practice forgiveness, self denial, and quiet time in the presence of the Lord.
Thoughts: My post from yesterday spoke of my struggles with temptations. It even led to a fall to sin. It didn't seem like a big thing but yet it was a fall. It saddened me because I know it saddened God. The grace of God is fabulous though. As it says in the reading, "For gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment. Very unlike us.
Most of walk around all the time with a chip on our shoulder. With a hair trigger on our tempers. We get angry or jealous at the slightest perceived infraction against us. Sometimes even when it is not against us. Are we forgiving? In today's Gospel from Matthew 18, Jesus tells his apostles that they must forgive not just 7 times, which was unthinkable back then but 70 times 7. Basically, forever and always.
Jesus really wants us to just give our hearts to him. We can do that through our self denial. Through our fasting, weeping and mourning. He is just waiting to welcome us back but we have to take the first step and practice forgiveness, self denial, and quiet time in the presence of the Lord.
Monday, March 4, 2013
It's OK, just this once. At least you aren't looking at porn. It's OK, they're wearing bikinis. It's only one drink. I'm not driving anywhere so I can have as many as I like. It's not my fault if they gave me too much change at the register.
The devil is really good at what he does. He is more than happy to help you justify your sins. To help you wear them like a comfortable sweater. This is especially true as we get closer to God. Satan does not really need to tempt those that are not close to God. But for those who are close to God, he will be extra vigilant. This may be part of the reason we are seeing so many cases of church officials succumbing to temptations and living in sin. We see this in the Catholic church, true, but also in other denominations and even in other public positions.
We want to be close to God but we don't want all of these temptations. Holy Scripture tells us that when we follow Christ we will be tempted. Over the last six months, my faith life has really taken off. I feel closer to Jesus than I have ever felt. I am also feeling the attacks with much more intensity.
As long as I was just sitting there watching I was not a threat to Satan. So, what are we to do when these attacks come? I think the answer is a three pronged attack. Funny, there is the three again. So many parts of our faith revolve around the trinity. So, here is the 3-pronged attack plan.
1. Prayer - frequent, daily prayer. Try practicing, "The presence of God". Also, Liturgy of the Hours and praying the Scriptures
2. Fasting - self-denial is key. Fasting from food is good but also think about fasting from others things as well. From those things that may be keeping you from getting close to God.
3. Sacraments - probably the most important thing. There is no greater source of healing and strength than the Eucharist. The body of Christ coming into us to give us strength. Reconciliation is also vital and a great gift of the church.
The devil is really good at what he does. He is more than happy to help you justify your sins. To help you wear them like a comfortable sweater. This is especially true as we get closer to God. Satan does not really need to tempt those that are not close to God. But for those who are close to God, he will be extra vigilant. This may be part of the reason we are seeing so many cases of church officials succumbing to temptations and living in sin. We see this in the Catholic church, true, but also in other denominations and even in other public positions.
We want to be close to God but we don't want all of these temptations. Holy Scripture tells us that when we follow Christ we will be tempted. Over the last six months, my faith life has really taken off. I feel closer to Jesus than I have ever felt. I am also feeling the attacks with much more intensity.
As long as I was just sitting there watching I was not a threat to Satan. So, what are we to do when these attacks come? I think the answer is a three pronged attack. Funny, there is the three again. So many parts of our faith revolve around the trinity. So, here is the 3-pronged attack plan.
1. Prayer - frequent, daily prayer. Try practicing, "The presence of God". Also, Liturgy of the Hours and praying the Scriptures
2. Fasting - self-denial is key. Fasting from food is good but also think about fasting from others things as well. From those things that may be keeping you from getting close to God.
3. Sacraments - probably the most important thing. There is no greater source of healing and strength than the Eucharist. The body of Christ coming into us to give us strength. Reconciliation is also vital and a great gift of the church.
Run To Win!
1 Cor. 9:24-27 - While all the runners in the stadium take part in the race, the award goes to one man. In that case, run so as to win! Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things. They do this to win a crown of leaves that withers, but we a crown that is imperishable. I do not run like a man who loses sight of the finish line. I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. What I do is discipline my own body and master it, for fear that after having preached to others I my should be rejected.
Thoughts: A large majority of Christians go through life never getting into the race. The race is the one to win our salvation. We are literally in the race of our lives. If we win, life. If we lose, death. St. Paul in the reading above encourages us to engage in our faith like our lives depend on it. And it does!
I play golf, kind of. I generally play about once or twice a year. I never go to the driving range. So, it is no surprise that my game is pretty awful. Anyone who would observe my playing would easily see that. On the rare occasion that I might make it out to practice I would see some improvement. That would fade pretty quickly. No one is surprised, then, that I not very good at golf.
Why would we think that our spiritual life should be somehow different? I sometimes hear people lamenting that their spiritual life is going no where. Are they partaking of the sacraments frequently? Do they spend time in the Word? Do they go to adoration? Do their prayers go beyond, "Bless us, O Lord and these thy gifts"? Should they really wonder why their spiritual life is stagnant?
I was stuck is that exact same place for a long time. When I finally decided to get into the race and start denying myself, things started to change. The Holy Spirit will speak to us and let us know what we need to deny in our lives. The television was one for me. After trying to ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit for over a year, I finally got rid of cable. This is when the race took off. I am now running so as to win. My hope, my goal is to be able to spend an eternity with God in heaven.
Deny yourself, pick up your cross and run the race to win an imperishable crown.
Thoughts: A large majority of Christians go through life never getting into the race. The race is the one to win our salvation. We are literally in the race of our lives. If we win, life. If we lose, death. St. Paul in the reading above encourages us to engage in our faith like our lives depend on it. And it does!
I play golf, kind of. I generally play about once or twice a year. I never go to the driving range. So, it is no surprise that my game is pretty awful. Anyone who would observe my playing would easily see that. On the rare occasion that I might make it out to practice I would see some improvement. That would fade pretty quickly. No one is surprised, then, that I not very good at golf.
Why would we think that our spiritual life should be somehow different? I sometimes hear people lamenting that their spiritual life is going no where. Are they partaking of the sacraments frequently? Do they spend time in the Word? Do they go to adoration? Do their prayers go beyond, "Bless us, O Lord and these thy gifts"? Should they really wonder why their spiritual life is stagnant?
I was stuck is that exact same place for a long time. When I finally decided to get into the race and start denying myself, things started to change. The Holy Spirit will speak to us and let us know what we need to deny in our lives. The television was one for me. After trying to ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit for over a year, I finally got rid of cable. This is when the race took off. I am now running so as to win. My hope, my goal is to be able to spend an eternity with God in heaven.
Deny yourself, pick up your cross and run the race to win an imperishable crown.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Sprit Led
I have just started reading a book my Pope Benedict XVI. It was published early in his papacy. The title is, "New Outpourings of the Spirit". While I have just started the book it has gotten me pretty excited and I wanted to write about it here before my thoughts get blurry.
As far back as 1997, then Cardinal Ratzinger, started researching the many new spiritual movements in the church. He concluded that these movements are good and would help revitalize the church. He cautions pastors to not extinguish but rather to help nurture these movements. The Holy Spirit, present in these movements will help bring many to the a greater faith in the church. He also cautions the laity involved with these movements to not stray from the church but rather to work in partnership with them to build up the church. Personally, I am involved with the charismatic movement. Through the charismatic renewal I have found a very deep spirituality that always brings us back to Jesus and the sacraments.
In the book, Pope Benedict also talks about the importance of the church guarding against become too institutionalized. It is important that the ordained leadership (priests, bishops and deacons) are just that ordained. They are in a sacramental relationship with the church not an assigned role but rather something confirmed through the church and the Holy Spirit. From 2 Cor. 3:5, "Not that of ourselves we are qualified to take credit for anything as coming from us; rather, our qualification comes from God."
As the church continues to grow it must embrace these outpourings of the Holy Spirit, we must follow the leading of the Spirit being cautious to not throw aside the core beauty and beliefs of the church. Again, in 2 Cor. 3:16-18, "but whenever a person turns to the Lord the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit." The Spirit gives us freedom. But not freedom in the secular sense, rather freedom in the true sense. The freedom that can only come from God.
For me, this outpouring of the Spirit in my life has given me freedom to live in the love of Christ. I also understand, as I await entry into the diaconate, that the call comes firstly from the church through the Holy Spirit. I also see in this the importance of Pope Benedict's call to new evangalization. It is awe inspiring to see so many people blogging and twittering about their faith in God and the Catholic church.
As far back as 1997, then Cardinal Ratzinger, started researching the many new spiritual movements in the church. He concluded that these movements are good and would help revitalize the church. He cautions pastors to not extinguish but rather to help nurture these movements. The Holy Spirit, present in these movements will help bring many to the a greater faith in the church. He also cautions the laity involved with these movements to not stray from the church but rather to work in partnership with them to build up the church. Personally, I am involved with the charismatic movement. Through the charismatic renewal I have found a very deep spirituality that always brings us back to Jesus and the sacraments.
In the book, Pope Benedict also talks about the importance of the church guarding against become too institutionalized. It is important that the ordained leadership (priests, bishops and deacons) are just that ordained. They are in a sacramental relationship with the church not an assigned role but rather something confirmed through the church and the Holy Spirit. From 2 Cor. 3:5, "Not that of ourselves we are qualified to take credit for anything as coming from us; rather, our qualification comes from God."
As the church continues to grow it must embrace these outpourings of the Holy Spirit, we must follow the leading of the Spirit being cautious to not throw aside the core beauty and beliefs of the church. Again, in 2 Cor. 3:16-18, "but whenever a person turns to the Lord the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit." The Spirit gives us freedom. But not freedom in the secular sense, rather freedom in the true sense. The freedom that can only come from God.
For me, this outpouring of the Spirit in my life has given me freedom to live in the love of Christ. I also understand, as I await entry into the diaconate, that the call comes firstly from the church through the Holy Spirit. I also see in this the importance of Pope Benedict's call to new evangalization. It is awe inspiring to see so many people blogging and twittering about their faith in God and the Catholic church.
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